Phearak came to crossroads as a Buddhist, Freshman University student and shortly after he arrived, he gave his life to God. He came up with an amazing plan for his future of making his life count for God and to not waste any of it away. Part of that plan was to return to his province on his next vacation and share the peace that he found in his heart with his Buddhist parents. They rejected his thoughts his first 2 visits, and by the third visit they saw the consistent JOY and LOVE in that young man. He was showing it with his life not words, and they finally asked how they too could find God. AND THEY HAVE......what a delightful family. They were in town yesterday because the Grandpa, who is a Buddhist High Priest had flown in from Australia, where he is now living. The Grandma was tortured and killed in the Khmer Rouge and Grandpa was returning for the remembrance of the death of his wife. His plan, while he is here is getting Phearak to the monastery to become a Buddhist monk. The family joined us at Crossroads yesterday for services before heading to the airport. The joy on their faces and their testimony of God's faithfulness was such a blessing!
The kids wanted to go to the roof and have a family photo between services. It was only about Half of he group that meets here thru the week. On Sundays they have services in all three house churches.
The day was full : up early to meet and pray with Lundy and Chetra and then starting at 7:30 with the two services, then out for lunch, then soccer. I got back from soccer, thinking a short afternoon nap sounded good but before I could get up the four flights of stairs, the boys asked if I would go with thewadis town to the river and to the Thailand Exposition. Another hair raising motor bike excursion, i might add. Not so much for me, because the boys are very careful.....but all of those other drivers! NO ONE loses their cool. They just all weave in and out, sometimes driving against the flow of traffic. We passed one motorbike carrying four helmetless adults, transporting an ironing board and HUGE set of pots among other bargains they picked up at the Exposition!
10 university young men and I! It is so funny to constantly be " flanked" and surrounded.....always someone at either elbow and before and aft! On the way home, after we had dinner downtown, I received a text asking if I would stop at one of the other dorms to talk with the I was dropped off there, had great visit and was finally home by 10.
There is now some resolution to the dirty flood waters that keep overflowing out thru all four bathrooms....but it was not a simple solution! The pipes are backed up completely, beyond just unclogging. That means ripping out the water lines of four floors....and ultimately they are predicting that we will have NO water for 2 or 3 days. So glad I am stocked up on deodorant!
This morning there was a leadership meeting at 7 so I was going to slip out by myself and go for a walk. We are locked in by massive gates and you have to pass any students studying or watching TV, or just hanging out. It is not considered an invasion of privacy AT ALL, to ask MANY whether coming or going you can be sure you will be asked....."where are you going, Grandma" what will you do? Who are you going with? When will you come back? All those questions asked by EACH of the students that you pass.
Needless to say, when I answered....I am just going out for a walk...alarms and sirens were set off..NOT really, but close! And I was flanked by my Precious Praetorian Guard. I was not kidding about the Velcro Factor....but if course it is delightful and it has been a great way to talk with students.
Returned from my walk in time for a meeting with Pastor Rathana. We went together to a Christian Bookstore to get him some Khmer materials on Pre marriage counseling as well as other books that will help him in ministry. What a Godly young man! He is 27, Single and has soooooo much responsibility. I asked him if we could do some team teaching the next few nights. All four about 85 gather together for the week night meetings. There are a few " sticky" situations.....the kind that Satan likes to throw in when things are going amazingly well and God is at work. They need to be dealt with by God Himself, but Rath and I are asking Him to give us Scripture and His words to address some "elephants in the room". If you think of it, we will do this on Wednesday Wednesday morning your time. Tomorrow night I am sharing about relationships and how to heal broken ones. I told Rathana this morning that I was thankful for the backed up, broken pipes that are causing this " vomiting" of filthy yucky water over the floors over and over. He was surprised since he doesnt live here, and he thought that I would be really sad about having no water. BUT, We now have no water at all .....because of the clogged pipes....what a poignant illustration for God to allow us to share.
Sometimes our lives get "clogged up" with bitterness, pride, a spirit of unforgiveness, jealousy, anger, hurt feelings, etc. When the problem is not dealt with, there is an overflowing of YUCK! And take my word for it, there has been septic YUCK on our floors about five different times in the past 6 days. Clean water can't flow thru. Nothing can flow thru until the clog is cleared out.
Pray that the little things that we are finding that have cropped up and are clogging some of their lives can be dealt with and fresh rivers of water can flow thru. The Khmer are patient, polite, kind people (hence the lack of tempers being lost in this traffic) but addressing issues is not part of their culture.
Does it make my heart sad that there are " quarreling and fighting" among some? YES!
Does it surprise me? NO!
God is doing AMAZING things thru the lives of these students. Does Satan like that? Not one little bit. In I Peter 5:8 we are reminded to be alert! Our enemy the devil is ready to pounce. He is looking for someone to devour and The Message says that nothing would make him happier than to find Believers "napping " and not ready to stand up against him.
Thanks for Holding the ropes for us!
Thanks for standing with Rathana and I as we spend tomorrow in prayer and in preparation as we challenge the students to ask Gods help in cleaning out any Clogs and remind them of the importance of getting their Armor on WHEN, not IF, he pounces, the students ARE ready.
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