Friday, February 3, 2012

Cambodia 3

Thanks to you who are sending notes that you are praying for some specific student here. We really feel God's presence in some special God ordained conversations.

Thanks for your prayers for Jet lag.........I made to 3:30 this morning. It doesn't affect our daytime function, but gets us up a little earlier to pray, to read and be ready. This morning ready means showered and in the next room by 5:45 for prayer.

To be honest, those of you know us well, know that one of us is an introvert and the other isn't.  I was a little concerned about my tend to be by nature, my more introvert husband, being velcroed by the hour to "someone" either me or a student. There is not a lot of "personal space" here. Needless to say, the students LOVE Lynn that provides even more velcro  .
As He preached last night he was so in sync with Chetra who was translating. It is hard to even describe the scenario. 60-70 students packed into a room all sitting on the tile floor. Last night, so many that they climbed up the windows to sit in the balcony. It is hotter than blazes, but a few fans are placed strategically around the room and it benefits a few people. When your butt cheeks are getting sore, and you have to wiggle (oh, wait, that might be JUST ME) you have to jostle two or three people to get your legs moving in another direction. The students from the tow other dorms all showed up............Last night Lynn and Chetra were on a roll, and so in sync with the Holy Spirit. The  words lowing with Chetra almost anticipating what Lynn and the HS were going to say next. After preaching for about 10 minutes (they ask him to go "at least at hour") the lights went out darkness, a PACKED room of University students now in a PITCH BLACK dark room that is hotter than one can describe now that the little fans have ceased their duties.

In a blink, cell phone flashlights were produced for Lynn and Chetra, and the message went on without a hitch...........and they continued to preach in unity for the rest of the time. Chetra seemed to even anticipate Lynn's humor and his giggles as he interpreted added that much more to the impact of the WORD being shared.  We all sat with sweat dripping down but Joy in our hearts as Lynn shared about the Ordinary people that Nehemiah had motivated to do that huge task of rebuilding the wall at Jerusalem. He used illustrations of some of the special people in OUR lives that God has used. The unlikely ones who GOD filled and used for amazing tasks  Pipor, one of the girls, who works at the Aboliton ministry Bloom Cafe,  had never met Lynn because she lives in the other dorm. She came up and said, " did so well. You married a man who is not only very handsome but he is GOD'S MOUTHPIECE for what we need to hear. I needed his message tonight that God wants to use each of us.

We are each having lots of one on one............and small group times throughout the day. The roof has become the meetings place. Yesterday VUthy and Pichet went and bought a tea is sort of a little Starbucks up there on the roof. They found a big ceramic pottery container and bought goldfish, along with the plants. We have to giggle, because there are 3-4 who have the vision for making this a meeting place. We saw the multitudes of plants "watered" at least 3x yesterday. The poor cactus feel like they have moved to the Garden of Eden. But the love and the concern they are showing to make this a place of welcome is so touching.

Outreach is always on their minds. Sokun, a really neat young man was sharing with me yesterday that he really likes to play Basketball, not soccer...........but playing soccer is important for relationships and reaching out because that is what most University students play and so for him, it is "not about what I enjoy as much as what will influence people to be in contact with hearing Gods' Word. I am embarrassed sometimes because  don't play well, but it is more important to put aside my shyness for the greater purpose of our outreach."

Hmmmmm,  who is teaching whom???  Today we each now have four meetings.......starting with prayer at 5:45 am in this room. and added for Lynn, 2 hours of soccer with the guys. He keeps thinking as he is looking at these young, lithe, athletic University students that he is going to just I hear any groans of disbelief out there? Lynn? sit and watch??? Probably not. I will be with the cheerleaders on the sidelines, cheering my man on :)

Thanks for your prayers.......not only for the teaching, but for the one on one sharing, the tea, the walks, the soccer, the "ice cream" visits, the relationship building....and he hours and hours each day of being "velcroed" to someone  at we might be a sweet fragrance of Jesus at all times.

Love, and thanks for praying!

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