Friday, September 9, 2011

Our time is coming to a close...

Our time is so quickly coming to a close here in Cambodia.  The things that we have seen and heard and have been a part of,  have reminded us,  in many ways of being part of the  early Church. The new believers sat under the teaching of the disciples. They devoted themselves to prayer, and fellowship and learning from God's word. We have been blessed and in more ways than we could begin to express. We also have been inspired and challenged by the lives of these University students. Studying God's word is a priority for them. It is truly their life blood. As new believers coming from a Buddhist background, they are like thirsty sponges, soaking in the teaching from the Word. I know that it seems almost trite to say that, because it is so much more than just attending a Bible Study.
Beside their own time in the Word, they come here to Crossroads,  sit on the hard tile floor for hours and hours.....Literally!!!!!
 US??? not so much. Well, we are sitting on the same floor, but a lot more wiggling around and trying to get a comfortable position.
There is a huge paradigm shift here in Cambodia. This is not really a "third world,"  but a developing world.  Riding down the highways, one can see many brand new Lexus as well as an abundance of little TukTuk taxis and motorbikes.
The other day we drove with Davd in a very nice 4 Wheel Drive SUV/Truck. After about three hours on some pretty hairy heavily trafficked roads........(trucks with live chickens and ducks by the dozens hanging upside down...........pigs....bikes, people...and even a fearless little monkiey hanging on for dear life on the back of a truck with his hair blowing in the wind!!)  we arrived to a spot where we changed from the SUV to an ox cart. A VERY primitive ox cart, which was loaded with all of our water/rice/hammocks/sleeping nets for our stay in the village.  The roads were very muddy and rutted with DEEP water pits. It is the monsoon season and Rebecca and I were commenting on the beautiful blue skies as we trundled along in the wobbly cart.
Spoke too soon. The heavens opened and the downpour, which would last the remainder of the 1 1/2 hour ride drenched us all thru and thru.   We jumped off the oxcart and Potra, a dear student got everything covered. A big tractor came along and picked us up as we were walking along covered in mud!! Walking in the slippery mud holes proved to be an exciting adventure. 
Even before arriving at the village where we would be spending the next three days, our senses were bombarded with the poverty and stark reality of life amonst the Kuy people. They are steeped in Animism but God is doing an amazing work and home after home is turning to Christ. 
It is quite easy to spot the new believers with their smiles and JOY. In contrast, the empty dark faces of those still bound by animish, teeth blood red from chewing on the beetle nut juice that gives momentarily relief from all that is going on around them.  
Chris, Rebecca and I were given the privilege of sleeping on the wooden floor of the one roomed  thatched house that is up on stilts. It belongs to Uncle Hun and he is the second in charge of the Village that we were visiting. He and his family have given their lives to Christ, and have been baptized. Actually, when Lynn and I were here in January we were present at the baptism of his daughter and son. What a difference Jesus has made in that family. 
Back in the city.......Iphones, computers, fancy cars can be seen all around. The difference of city life and farm life abound in Cambodia abound....yet the constant, in both places is the difference that Jesus makes in the lives of those who have given themselves to serve HIM.
The University students have such a passion to share Jesus with all they meet. They are eager to spend HOURS in studying the Word. Prayer meeting was held at 5:45 in three different locations this morning.....our room was full.
There are several young men that are such examples of Servant Leadership that we keep remarking about their lives, over and over.  God has given them a passion to Serve HIM and it is unbelievably special and such a blessing.
Sex trafficking in blatant and the ravages of sin on the lives of so  many in this country is almost oppressive.... BUT JESUS!!  He has transformed. He has given hope. He has reversed their lives. How thankful we are for these few days we have had in Phnom Penh to have a birds eye view into the life of some very dedicated servants of God.
We are honored and privileged to be here. Thanks for your prayers.


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