Saturday, February 4, 2012


Cambodia 5

Lynn and I have reminisced a few times on the old Bill Cosby monologue ...."hey, you almost a doctor" as we think about one of the students here. Our last visit we referred to him as Dream Boy, because of the specific Dreams that God revealed to him and the special things that God has done thru his life.

He is 23 years old, but looks much younger. He is a Pre Med student. Last September, a week before our visit, the students were on an outreach in a remote village. God gave him a dream and a name of a person specifically, while he was sleeping. He believed that God would help him find this person, in a village that he had never been to . When he arrived, he found it was the home of the local Sorcerer. Thru their LONG conversation, the sorcerer accepted Christ, burned all of his fetishes and he was baptized the following week, while we were visiting.

This future Doctor, has a desire to practice medicine in Mymmar someday. He is one of 14 children who was taken from his home when he was 12 years old to live at "an organization"  He is the victim of sexual abuse from both male and female adults. After coming to Christ , his life has truly been transformed . The lack of trust in people has been replaced by a joy that is truly contagious. The frown of worry and concern that we were told was there, has been replaced by an infectious smile. The JOY in his heart spreads to those around him. He is the " go to" man when anyone is sick! BUT, His present project is the beautification of the roof here at Crossroads, where I have been coming to have tea and just listen to the hearts of the students as they share! Why is he spending so much time and so much of his personal savings?

We asked him that question....

His reply......." so that this place will become a place of beauty and rest and that people who are not Christ followers would want to come and spend time here and we can find a way to tell them about Jesus"

It is Saturday.

This is their one day of no classes and no meetings....and yet this roof top is loaded with students spending the day in the heat....painting, cutting wires (to make a grid so the pigeons don't nest and continue to make a mess! ) planting flowers....and just beautifying!

Each day we are surprised and humbled by the concern and commitment of these students to practically carry out the Great go, and teach and make disciples for God, of ALL they meet.

Continually amazed and humbled!

Judy and Lynn

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